Ringing in the New Year in Minus 40
Well it is here, 2009.
A new poll shows that a significant majority of Canadians are optimistic heading into 2009. A remarkable 58 per cent of respondents in the Canadian Press Harris-Decima poll said they were optimistic about the coming year, while only 21 per cent said they were pessimistic. Twenty per cent said their outlook was neither optimistic nor pessimistic.
I want to take this oppertunity to say thank you to everyone who supported me in my move to the NWT and wish you all the best in health and happiness for the year ahead. I hope that we can stay in touch.
I hope this year to be more active, maybe build on the outdoor running that I started this past summer with Meghan MacPherson from goodlife fitness and am looking to join a gym downtown.Who knows there is even that midnight golf tounament or marathon if I can do one of them? I also resolve to be a happier more positive person.
Here are some predictions for 2009 from various news sources canadian and from around the world.
There won't be a federal election any time soon. Sure, there will be a lot of braying from the Opposition parties about the federal Conservatives' budget in January, but they won't follow through by actually voting the government out of office. Voters have nixed the coalition idea and according to most recent polls, would provide the Conservatives with a majority victory right now. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff needs time to build a profile outside his party and southern Ontario, and no party has enough money right now to actually run an election campaign.
World parties despite gloomy predictions for 2009
1 comment:
Wow Crispin! My head is spinning from all the changes you've made. I really do admire you.
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